Cheer Pheasant in Dhorpatan Valley
Dhorpatan valley is one of the best site for Cheer Pheasant in the World. The Cheer Pheasant has been monitored there in every decade since 1980s, follow more aboout our Cheer project in Dhorpatan valley.
Read More©Hari Basnet

Pipar Pheasant Survey
The Piper pheasant survey is the longest-running monitoring initiative project in Nepal. Follow us for more updates:
Read More©Hari Basnet

Birds of Prey
The bearded vulture is the only known vertebrate whose diet consists almost exclusively of bone.
Read More©Tulsi Ram Subedi

Black-breasted Thrush
Black-breasted Thrush is the new bird recorded in the Eastern Nepal. Do you have rare sighting and wanted to know expert opinion, do visit our NBRC page for more detail information:
Read More©Sanjib Acharya
About Us
Nepalese Ornithological Union
The Nepalese Ornithological Union (NOU), founded in 2009 by a group of dedicated ornithologists in Nepal. It is a non-profit, membership organization, works to protect wild birds with a focus on threatened and endangered species and their habitats across Nepal through scientific research and conservation. Our actions include field monitoring, community-based conservation, and capacity building of locals to provide community stewardship towards birds and their habitat. Moreover, we advocate for environmental protection and management to provide sustainable benefit to local communities by offering fundamental skills and training.
Conserving rare and threatened birds and their habitat across Nepal through research, education and community stewardship.
Securing bird habitats to contribute to healthy landscape across Nepal.